Every one is not lucky enough to have a garden in the house to enjoy the gorgeous colorful blooms and green grass under the feet. There are many reasons that refrain us of having our own garden like lack of space, short n money or the harsh soil. But whatever is reason it can no more obstacle your ways to exercise your green thumb as we have a very chap yet efficient and effective solution to this problem. You can build this cute and gorgeous DIY planter box to grow your favorite plants, herbs and flowers. Pallets are the reason to make this box easy to attain and that too at cost free rate.
All you need to do is get your tools like saw, hammer, drill etc and a few pallets to get this functional and decorous project started. You would need to saw some small pallet stripes to form the square shape box and thick dices to support as feet. When the box is ready fill the box with soil or compost and plant your favorite green thing in it. Display it in your patio, porch or even inside the house to enjoy a visual boost to the decor.

Made by: Matthew Lovelady